Tuesday, April 1, 2008

American Citizen

Ellie had a big day today. Victoria, Ellie, and I went to the US Consulate today for her Citizenship appointment. We went right up to the window and passed the paperwork in, noting that we were a few minutes early for our appointment. As the three of us waited, and waited, and waited, it dawned on both Victoria and I that this was much like the DVM but with much more security. Ellie was the smart one in the bunch, as she slept through most of the wait. Finally they called our name and after a little formality Ellie was a US citizen! She didn’t seem to care much and was happy to get her prize, milk, after another few minutes. She will have her US passport in about one week. We did find out that there is no problem with her having dual citizenship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Ellie, welcome to the New World. Victoria and Paul, you have to be so proud.

Looking at those three pictures, are there child-labor laws in NZ? That little lady has commercial stardom written all over her. What a terrific personality comes across from just a visual. I guess that I shouldn't be too surprised, just look at her mom and dad.