Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Grandma and Granddad’s visit

Grandma and Granddad came out to visit Ellie last week. Ellie had a wonderful time with so much attention. She talked and talked to them. She pointed out birds and took them to see the horse that says “Baa”. Grandma took Ellie on a ride in the wheelbarrow and Granddad laughed as Ellie was banging on the window as I was trying to photograph a bird. For the first time, Ellie got to play the wake up Granddad game. Poor Granddad never gets any sleep.


grandma said...

Ellie is a delight to be with!

She has such a wonderful personality.

It is nice to see that Ellie is going to keep the two of you on your toes.

meg said...

Oh wow that is such a cool trailer!! Maybe you could invite us over for a ride ;o)