Thursday, January 6, 2011


This is the first year that Ellie really did understand what Christmas was all about (the presents).  Ellie asked Santa for a blue scooter, then a pink scooter, then back to blue.  This went on most of the month of December and Santa was getting very confused.  Santa being as smart as he (she) is arrived Christmas Eve with a pink and blue scooter for Ellie.  After Ellie opened her Santa gifts, Mummy went upstairs to set up Ellie’s other Christmas surprise, Hot Air Balloons (expertly created by Victoria) hanging from her ceiling.  Ellie was so excited!

The only disappointment for Ellie Christmas morning was the lack of reindeer in the paddock.  On Christmas Eve, when Ellie and I were giving the alpacas their treats, I let the alpacas know that they were going to have visitors in the night and that the reindeer are friendly and they should not be scared.  I guess Ellie thought the reindeer were going to stay and live with us.  

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