Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Third Birthday, Ellie

Wow, both Victoria and I can’t believe she is 3.  It is amazing how much she has changed, yet looking back at the old pictures how she still makes the same expressions.

Ellie loves to draw, paint, and stick stickers on paper.  She is singing the ABC’s (using “Zed” instead of Z), counting up to the teens (and finally including 8). She enjoy watching rocket videos, books, baby dolls, games, and playing with a marble run (marbling).  At night, she will select a book or two to read to her dolls or any other stuffed animal that made it into bed.

She will tell you she is a big girl, not a baby and that she is a dolphin!  Dolphin is the short version; today she was a baby bird frog dolphin.


Grandma said...

Happy 3rd Birthday, Ellie!
I love you lots!

kathy said...

Happy Birthday Ellie!!! Miss you guys a bunch!
Love ya!

meg said...

That top photo is stunning Paul!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!