Friday, May 29, 2015

Race 3

This was the last race in the series and Ellie was very excited.  As we were waiting for her race to start, we were sitting by one of the fastest girls.  I suggested a challenge to Ellie and her friend of staying close to this girl and also to run faster than the boys in our group.  They agreed to the challenge with a simple change, they only needed to do that for one lap but they still wanted to beat the boys.

Ellie normally starts the races in the middle to the back of the group and usually behind the boys.  This doesn’t directly affect their times since their time doesn’t start until they cross the starting line with the running chips.  I asked if they wanted to start closer to the front with the condition that they had to run the first part so they wouldn’t hold the other kids back.  They agreed and I led them to the front about 5 rows back.  It was good for them to see how prepared and serious the front group kids were. (It even surprised me on how serious that front group was!)

Ellie did great in the race.  While she didn’t beat the boys she did improve her time by 2:31, with a finishing time of 14:08.

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